

What they pay for

Each member of the choir pays an annual subscription towards the choir’s costs. For instance, we pay fees to our music director and accompanist, and to soloists and instrumentalists in our concerts. Other costs are renting the church where we rehearse and perform, and hiring music scores.

In addition to subscriptions, we also get income from concert ticket sales, from donations for drinks and snacks after concerts, and from other occasional donations.

How much they are

We each pay £140 a year, or £50 a term, or £20 a term if we are on Universal Credit or in full-time education.

How to pay them

We prefer payments by bank transfer to:

  • The Philharmonic Choir
  • account no. 00925214
  • sort code 30-97-11

Please include your name in the payment reference field. If you need to pay by cheque, please make it payable to ‘The Philharmonic Choir’.

Whether you are paying by bank credit or cheque, please do not include the words “of Manchester”.  Our bank will not accept any cheque unless the name on the cheque matches the name of the account exactly.

How to help us claim tax back on them
Gift aid enables the choir to reclaim from the Government an extra 25p for every £1 of subscriptions and donation. If you are a taxpayer and haven’t previously filled in a Gift Aid form for the choir, please contact Eva, our treasurer, at to get a form.

​Annual General Meeting


Management Committee

The choir’s Management Committee meets twice a term to sort out the thing’s we have to do – decide our programme, publicity, finance, this website – so that we can do what we want to do – SING!

  • Chair and librarian: Paul Bradbury
  • Secretary: Teresa Ankers
  • Treasurer: Eva Schultze-Berndt
  • Librarian: Vacant
  • Membership: Fran Hennell
  • Soprano rep: Annalisa Faenza
  • Alto rep: Deirdre Lewis
  • Tickets and programmes and tenor rep: Richard Carr
  • Publicity: Jane Jefferson
  • Website and bass rep: Alan Tomlinson